Une nuit avant le solstice d’été, 22 juin, notre équipe SONORA a transporté un Projet Cargo: construction de fibres de verre depuis Liepaja, en Lettonie. Ce projet nécessitait beaucoup d’inventivité car nous avions besoin de trouver le meilleur moyen de transporter cette marchandise surdimensionnée d’une largeur de 6.5m.

At first, our team made a very careful Road Survey and planning, by finding the most optimal route of delivering the cargo. The total length of the route was more than 100km. Dimensions of the cargo was L 17,0 m x W 6.5m x H 4,3m and it was very challenging to find the best route of transporting – we needed to move the cargo through the city where streets are very narrow. We involved Authorities of Latvia and Liepaja region – 3 police escorts and one security guard escort. To transport it via narrow streets, for a while we even took off the Road Signs.

At the end, Cargo was delivered to the final destination very successful and we look forward for the next challenge by moving Project Cargos around the world.